Business Activity

The main interest of Anatolia Geneworks is developing kits, instruments, and software in molecular biology for methods such as conventional Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), Real-Time PCR, and DNA sequencing, thus creating high-quality user-friendly systems at reasonable costs.

Borrowing skills from its R&D frame of mind, Anatolia Geneworks constructs targeted high-quality systems. To illustrate, Anatolia manufactures kits, develops instruments under exclusive OEM agreements, and studies the integration of these instruments.

The company has gained valuable project management experience via the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye (TÜBİTAK) funded projects as well as other research activities collaborated with several prestigious universities.
As that is not enough for excellence, Anatolia has been pursuing new studies financed by its own capital and resources, and conducting a business model open to new cooperation opportunities.

Among the other prized operations of Anatolia Geneworks is to utilize the ability of product realization know-how. That is best proven in keeping production standards at the highest level, in the continuous implementation of quality management procedures, in the realization and commercialization of the outputs of R&D projects, and finally in ensuring that products reach the end users through domestic and foreign distributors.