Food Safety Testing

Foodborne pathogens have always been a major concern for public health. Surveillance and identification of the source of the outbreak can be a challenge. The pathogens originating from farm animal or wildlife animal excrements first contaminate the groundwater. The contaminated source in turn contaminates every process and environment it is used. It is of utmost importance that the source must be identified as quickly as possible to control and stop the outbreak.

Bosphore Food Safety Testing Kits serve as sensitive, accurate and reliable tools for samples collected to help protect public health.


Ready to use

PCR inhibition resistant

LOD up to 13 copies

Process control

One-Step QPCR solution

Time to results under 90 min


Technical Specifications

The channels and sample types indicated in this table may vary depending on the kits (singleplex/multiplex). Detailed information on the associated kits can be found below.

Thermal Protocol Single thermal protocol for all parameters
Sample Types Processed and unprocessed food, feed, seed samples
Shelf Life 18 Months
Channels FAM, HEX, Texas Red, Cy5
Shipping / Storage (-90°C)-(-20°C) / -20°C

Food Safety Testing Kits

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