Meat Species Identification

Arguably most important difficulties that the meat and dairy industry is experiencing today, are detecting adulteration in food products and ingredient origin determination due to the strict regulatory environment. Intentional or unintentional, meat adulteration and origin falsification damage public and animal health, brand value, consumer trust and raise ethical concerns. Although differentiating close relative species from a complex sample is challenging in most other methods, Real-Time PCR method; with its sensitivity, specificity and fast application, is considered as the golden standard for meeting these challenges.

Our Bosphore Meat Species Identification kits offer sensitive, accurate and reliable results in an easy to use, customizable and time-efficient workflow.


Ready to use

Internal control for each reaction

Single thermal profile for customization

Results in under 1 hour 20 min

Multiplex option

LOD up to 0.1%

Validation for food, feed, dairy, gelatine and additives


Technical Specifications

The channels and sample types indicated in this table may vary depending on the kits (singleplex/multiplex). Detailed information on the associated kits can be found below.

Thermal Protocol Single thermal protocol for all parameters
Sample Types Processed and unprocessed food, feed, seed samples
Shelf Life 18 Months
Channels FAM, HEX, Texas Red, Cy5
Shipping / Storage (-90°C)-(-20°C) / -20°C

Meat Species Identification Kits

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