
Real-Time PCR Kits


Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections are the most common viral infections worldwide with a prevalence of 65%-90%. The prevalence of HSV-1 and HSV-2 varies across Europe.

HSV can be transmitted through contact such as kissing, sexual intercourse and using the same towel. HSV-1 is usually transmitted orally, while HSV-2 is mainly sexually transmitted. However, both can be passed from the mother during childbirth. Contact with contaminated secretions can increase the risk of transmission to non-immune individuals by up to 80%. Although people infected with HSV can develop labial or genital lesions, the vast majority do not have physical symptoms and go undiagnosed. Lack of awareness of the infection increases the risk of HSV transmission.

There are two approaches to the diagnosis of HSV: physical examination and laboratory tests. Although the detection of the virus by observation of the lesion site is a practical and easy method, the fact that other infections look like herpes makes the definitive diagnosis difficult and requires confirmation with laboratory tests. Culture tests, serologic tests based on antigen detection and antibody detection, HSV Fluorescent Antibody Test (HSV FA) are common techniques used routinely. Culture tests require lesion formation.Serologic tests require time for antibody formation. Molecular methods overcome the obstacles of other tests. PCR technology, which allows the detection of very small amounts of virus with high analytical sensitivity in a short period of only 4 hours, also makes it possible to detect genotypic differences.


Internal Control for Each Reaction

Package Size Options

Compatibility with Various Systems

Expert Support


Technical Specifications

The channels and sample types indicated in this table may vary depending on the kits (singleplex/multiplex). Detailed information on the associated kits can be found below.

Thermal Protocol Single thermal protocol for all parameters
Sample Types Serum and plasma
Shelf Life 18 Months
Channels FAM, HEX, Texas Red, Cy5
Shipping / Storage (-90°C)-(-20°C) / -20°C

Herpesvirus Kits

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