Real-Time PCR Kits
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections are the most common viral infections worldwide with a prevalence of 65%-90%. The prevalence of HSV-1 and HSV-2 varies across Europe.
HSV can be transmitted through contact such as kissing, sexual intercourse and using the same towel. HSV-1 is usually transmitted orally, while HSV-2 is mainly sexually transmitted. However, both can be passed from the mother during childbirth. Contact with contaminated secretions can increase the risk of transmission to non-immune individuals by up to 80%. Although people infected with HSV can develop labial or genital lesions, the vast majority do not have physical symptoms and go undiagnosed. Lack of awareness of the infection increases the risk of HSV transmission.
There are two approaches to the diagnosis of HSV: physical examination and laboratory tests. Although the detection of the virus by observation of the lesion site is a practical and easy method, the fact that other infections look like herpes makes the definitive diagnosis difficult and requires confirmation with laboratory tests. Culture tests, serologic tests based on antigen detection and antibody detection, HSV Fluorescent Antibody Test (HSV FA) are common techniques used routinely. Culture tests require lesion formation.Serologic tests require time for antibody formation. Molecular methods overcome the obstacles of other tests. PCR technology, which allows the detection of very small amounts of virus with high analytical sensitivity in a short period of only 4 hours, also makes it possible to detect genotypic differences.

Technical Specifications
The channels and sample types indicated in this table may vary depending on the kits (singleplex/multiplex). Detailed information on the associated kits can be found below.
Thermal Protocol | Single thermal protocol for all parameters |
Sample Types | Serum and plasma |
Shelf Life | 18 Months |
Channels | FAM, HEX, Texas Red, Cy5 |
Shipping / Storage | (-90°C)-(-20°C) / -20°C |
Herpesvirus Kits
Bosphore CMV Quantification Kit, is a Real-Time PCR based in-vitro diagnostic medical device, IVD CE marked according to 98/79/EC Directive. Bosphore CMV Quantification Kit detects and quantitates encompassing all major CMV genotypes cytomegalovirus DNA in human biological samples such as serum, plasma, and urine. A region within the DNA polymerase gene is amplified and fluorescence detection is accomplished using the FAM filter.
An internal control has been integrated into the kit in order to check extraction, PCR inhibition or application mistakes. The amplification data of the internal control is detected with the HEX filter. The internal control can be added either during DNA extraction or PCR step.
Bosphore CMV Quantification – BKV Detection Kit v1 detects and quantitates cytomegalovirus (CMV) DNA encompassing all CMV genotypes and detects four main genotypes of BK virus (BKV) DNA in human biological samples including serum, plasma, urine, biopsy specimen, amniotic fluid, CSF, tissue samples. A specific region within CMV genome is amplified and the detection is accomplished using FAM filter. A specific region within BKV genome is amplified and fluorescence detection is accomplished using HEX filter.
An internal control has been integrated into the kit in order to check extraction and PCR inhibition. Amplification data of internal control is detected with Cy5 filter. Internal control can be added either in extraction or PCR step.
*For research use only.
Bosphore EBV Quantification Kit, is a Real-Time PCR based in-vitro diagnostic medical device, IVD CE marked according to 98/79/EC Directive. Bosphore EBV Quantification Kit v1 detects and quantitates Epstein-Barr virus (human herpes virus-4/HHV-4) DNA in human biological samples such as serum, plasma, urine or tissue, encompassing all EBV subtypes. An amplicon within the IR1 region of EBV genome is amplified and fluorescence detection is accomplished using the FAM filter.
An internal control has been integrated into the kit in order to check extraction and PCR inhibition. The amplification data of the internal control is detected with the Cy5/HEX/JOE filter. The internal control can be added either during DNA extraction or PCR step.
Bosphore HSV 1-2 Genotyping Kit v1, is a Real-Time PCR based in-vitro diagnostic medical device, IVD CE marked according to 98/79/EC Directive. Bosphore HSV 1-2 Genotyping Kit v1 detects and distinguishes herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 in human biological samples. A region within the glycoprotein D gene within the HSV1 genome is amplified and fluorescence detection is accomplished using the FAM filter. A region within the glycoprotein D gene within the HSV2 genome is amplified and fluorescence detection is accomplished using the Cy5 filter.
An internal control has been integrated into the kit in order to check PCR inhibition. The amplification data of the internal control is detected with the HEX filter. The internal control can be added either during DNA extraction or PCR step.
FAM | Cy5 | HEX |
HSV1 | HSV2 | Internal Control |
Bosphore HSV 1-2 Quantification Kit v1 detects, distinguishes and quantitates Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 in human biological samples including serum, plasma, tissue and biopsy specimens, swabs and CSF samples. The analytic sensitivity is 50 copies/ml for HSV-1 and HSV-2. A region within the Glycoprotein D gene within the HSV-1 genome is amplified and fluorescence detection is accomplished using the FAM filter. A region within the Glycoprotein D gene within the HSV-2 genome is amplified and fluorescence detection is accomplished using the Cy5 filter.
An Internal Control has been integrated into the kit to check extraction, PCR inhibition and application errors. The Internal Control can be added either during DNA extraction or the PCR step.
FAM | HEX | Cy5 |
HSV-1 | Internal Control | HSV-2 |
Bosphore VZV Quantification Kit v1 detects and quantitates Varicella Zoster Virus (also known as Human Herpes Virus 3; VZV DNA) in human serum or plasma, encompassing all the major VZV subtypes. A region within the ORF 38 gene is amplified and fluorescence detection is accomplished using the FAM filter.
An Internal Control has been integrated into the kit to check PCR inhibition. Amplification data of Internal Control is detected with the HEX filter. Internal Control can be added during the PCR step.
Bosphore HHV-6 Quantification Kit v1 is, a Real-Time PCR based in-vitro diagnostic medical device, IVD CE marked according to 98/79/EC Directive. Bosphore HHV-6 Quantification Kit v1 detects and quantitates human herpes virus (HHV-6 DNA) in human serum, plasma, whole blood and CSF samples, encompassing all the major HHV-6 subtypes. A region within the U57 gene is amplified and fluorescence detection is accomplished using the FAM filter.
An internal control has been integrated into the kit in order to check extraction and PCR inhibition. The amplification data of the internal control is detected with the HEX/JOE filter. The internal control is added either in extraction or PCR step.
Bosphore HHV-7 Detection Kit v1 detects human herpes virus (HHV-7 DNA) in human serum or plasma, encompassing all the major HHV-7 subtypes. The analytic sensitivity is 185 copies/ml. A region gene is amplified and fluorescence detection is accomplished using the CY5 filter.
An internal control has been integrated into the kit in order to check PCR inhibition. The amplification data of the internal control is detected with the HEX filter. The internal control can be added during PCR step.
Bosphore HHV-8 Quantification Kit v1 is a Real-Time PCR kit for in vitro diagnostics that detects and characterizes the ORF26E region of Human Herpesvirus-8 (HHV-8) from serum, plasma, and CSF samples. Fluorescence detection is performed using FAM, and HEX filters. HHV-8 DNA is amplified and fluorescence detection is performed using the FAM filter.
Component | FAM | HEX |
PCR Master Mix | HHV-8 (ORF26E) | Internal Control |
Internal control has been integrated into the kit to check DNA extraction, PCR inhibition, or application problems. The amplification data of the internal control is detected with HEX filter. The internal control can be added either during DNA extraction or the PCR step.
Bosphore Vesicular Rash Panel Kit is a Real-Time PCR based in-vitro diagnostic medical device, IVD CE marked according to 98/79/EC Directive. Bosphore Vesicular Rash Panel Kit detects and characterizes herpes simplex virus 1, herpes simplex virus 2 and varicella-zoster virus DNA in human biological samples. Fluorescence detection is accomplished by using FAM, HEX, Texas Red and Cy5 filters. Herpes simplex virus 1 is amplified and fluorescence detection is accomplished using the FAM filter, herpes simplex virus 2 is amplified and fluorescence detection is accomplished using the Cy5 filter and varicella-zoster virus is amplified and fluorescence detection is accomplished using the HEX filter.
An internal control has been integrated into the kit in order to check PCR inhibition. The amplification data of the internal control is detected with Texas Red filter. The internal control can be added either during DNA extraction or PCR step.
Component | FAM | HEX | Texas RED | Cy5 |
PCR Master Mix | HSV-1 | VZV | Internal Control | HSV-2 |