Tropical Pathogens

Real-Time PCR Kits


Tropical Pathogens consist of bacteria, viruses, or parasite species infectious to humans and animals, causing Tropical Diseases prevalent in or unique to tropical or subtropical regions. These pathogens are usually spread by insects such as mosquitos and flies.

Hot climates in these regions and larger volumes of rain are supporting the formation of breeding grounds, causing a larger number and variety of natural reservoirs and animal diseases with the possibility to transmit to humans. Approximately 1.5 million die each year because of tropical infectious and parasitic diseases.


Internal Control for Each Reaction

Package Size Options

Compatibility with Various Systems

Expert Support


Technical Specifications

The channels and sample types indicated in this table may vary depending on the kits (singleplex/multiplex). Detailed information on the associated kits can be found below.

Thermal Protocol Single thermal protocol for all parameters
Sample Types  Lesion swabs, whole blood, serum, plasma, throat swabs, urine, CSF and saliva
Shelf Life 18 Months
Channels FAM, HEX, Texas Red, Cy5
Shipping / Storage (-90°C)-(-20°C) / -20°C

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